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Comments (2)
  1. Marissa sanoo:

    I have lived in Australia about 60 years and I have adult children around your age or older.
    I found your lovely blog by chance when reading Finnish on the net to keep up my Finnish language skills.
    I can speak and understand Finnish, but writing it takes me forever.

    I have enjoyed your blog immensely.
    You express your feelings so honestly and clearly.
    You transported me back to Finland in my mind and back many many years in age with your blog Leikkipaikka.

    All my best wishes. Keep writing.
    There are probably many other people like me who get so much from your blog, but don’t comment.

    I am sending you a halo of love to surround you.


    1. Kaisa sanoo:

      Hei Marissa!

      Voi Ihanuus! You made my day <3 Olen viime aikoina miettinyt, jatkaako blogin kirjoittamista vai ei. Pyysin merkkiä avuksi päätöksen tekemiseen - ja sitten tuli viestisi. Kiitos, kiitos, kiitos! Tuntuupa hyvältä saada tällaista palautetta ja olen todella iloinen, että olet nauttinut lukemisesta! Kiitos, kiitos, kiitos! Paljon rakkautta, iloa ja valoa sinulle, ja lämmin halaus.

      Terkuin Kaisa

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